As most of you know, Square Enix is releasing a “definitive” edition for the PS4 and Xbox One, but according to this GamesRadar livestream, Executive Producer Scot Amos said that PS4 edition will be able to run 60fps but that wont be the case on Xbox One
Mr Amos had mentioned to Eurogamer that both versions would run at 1080p 30fps on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but it doesnt to seem to be that case anymore.
Scot mentioned that “Our minimum target was always gameplay front-to-back being 1080p and frame-rate 30fps,” he said, but “Looking here, this is the PS4 version running at 60fps, again at 1080p,”
Over at Rocket Chainsaw, reveals that PS4 version will perform at an average of 60fps. while the Xbox One version might be able to climb upto 45fps but average more at 30fps.
So does this make the PS4 the even “more definitive” edition? Watch the Trailer below