Toy Soldiers Getting WWII Sequel and Original Remakes

About ten years back, a tower defense game called Toy Soldiers came out for the Xbox Live Arcade. It managed to evoke the feel of playing with old fashioned lead and tin soldiers while also making some not-entirely unrealistic recreations of WWI-era combat. There were a couple of spinoffs and a full-blown release from Ubisoft involving Hasbro brand toys alongside Assassin’s Creed characters. Still, the original game seemed to be relegated to the obscurity of XBLA and a gimped version on Steam.

Signal Studios announced a proper sequel, Toy Soldiers 2: Finest Hour, back in February (undoubtedly lost in the shuffle of pandemic related news). But they recently updated their Facebook page with a string of announcements and project updates. First, Signal announced they have finally obtained the rights to the original franchise. Ubisoft still owns the rights to Toy Soldiers: War Chest, but Signal mentioned that they are aware of ongoing problems with that game and that they’re working to resolve them.

Second, the sequel itself is being worked on now that the rights issues have been worked out. As they put it, “We’re taking it back to where it should be. History. Reverence. WW2, The spirit of the original.”  No actual release date has been announced as yet.  They promise plenty of historical scenarios, as well as the ability to create new ones.  It’s slated to come out for the PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch.

Third, for fans of the original game as well as the spinoff Toy Soldiers: Cold War, HD remakes will be coming out this summer. The original game’s HD remake will be coming out on all platforms, while the Cold War remake seems initially limited to the Switch.

Finally, Signal Studios has opened up a Discord channel for fans to talk with the developers and offer up input on where the sequel might go. It’s not a big release, in the grand scheme of things, but it’s potentially a welcome one.

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