Undertale has become a cultural phenomenon with its classic look, clever gameplay systems, interesting humor, and deep meaning. Originally released on the PC, more people may now get excited about and understand the games’ appeal with the reveal that Undertale is being brought to the Playstation 4 and PS Vita. The game is set to arrive this summer with physical and special editions.
The physical edition includes a twenty-four page illustrated booklet and the collector’s edition adds the soundtrack, some annotated sheet music, and a musical locket.
The PS4 port of Undertale will include with it Japanese localization allowing all dialouge to be in Japanese or English.
Undertale was universally loved by critics and consumers and this release on the Playstation 4 and PS Vita will be the games’ console debut. Finally, non-PC users will be able to experience Undertale either on the TV or on the go.
You can watch the trailer below.