Earlier this year Harmonix announced a new installment in the Rock Band franchise, but this does not appear to be the only music franchise revival this year. In fact Activision has officially announced their revival of the Guitar Hero franchise, this revival has seen plenty of speculation about whether the rumors were real but today Activision officially confirmed that the franchise is coming back with the new game Guitar Hero Live.
Guitar Hero Live is being handled by the creators of the DJ Hero franchise FreeStyle Games. In a trailer released for the game a couple of new gimmicks have been shown off, this also includes a first person view. You can watch the announcement trailer below:
Guitar Hero Live will be coming to the Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Playstation 4, Xbox One and unlike Rock Band will be coming to the Wii U. The only question I have to ask is do we really need Guitar Hero to come back, this question I cannot answer but it does not seem like something that should return.