Amiibo price is increasing to $16 in Canada, gold Mario out on April 10

Canada is set to get just a little bit more expensive for people seeking Nintendo’s Amiibo’s, it is has been unveiled that Nintendo is raising the sale price for Amiibo figures in the country from April 1st. Previously you could purchase Amiibo figures for a general sale price of $13.99 CAD, however the price has been risen to $15.99 CAD.

“The price increase is in direct response to current and future projected exchange rates between Canadian and US dollars,” Nintendo said. “Retailers are free to set their own prices.”

Still speaking about Amiibo’s Canadians will be able to get their hands on the Gold Mario on April 10th at a variety of retailers, at the time of writing I don’t know exactly which retailers however I assume many of them will possibly stock a small selection of these figures. Gold Mario will cost $15.99 CAD.

I don’t know if this will possibly affect pricing in other places but it could end up being a very real possibility, I just hope Canada is as far as it goes.

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