Animal Crossing: New Horizons Holds First Fishing Tourney

On April 11, Animal Crossing: New Horizons players got to experience a very special event: the first ever Fishing Tourney. Hosted by CJ, the “sea-sports” loving beaver, the tournament allowed players to cash in fish for trophies and other exciting prizes.

The rules of the tourney were simple: entrants had 3 minutes to catch as many fish as possible. Each fish earned them one point, plus two bonus points if they managed to catch more than three fish within the time limit. Fish could be turned in to CJ, who was also willing to buy them for 1.5x the usual price throughout the duration of the event, which ended at 6PM in players’ respective time zones.

For every ten points earned, CJ would reward players with one item from a random pool of gifts. Of course, these gifts were all fish-themed, ranging from the fishing rod stand to the fish-print tee to even a brand new marine wallpaper for decorating the interior of your home. Additionally, 100, 200, and 300 points would “net” players a Bronze, Silver and Gold Fish Trophy respectively.

Players could enter the tournament as many times as they wanted before it ended at 6pm. However, every attempt after the first costs 500 Bells to enter.

The prizes were exclusive to Fishing Tourney events, and cannot be purchased from Timmy and Tommy or found anywhere else in the game. However, players who missed the event need not despair! According to the official Animal Crossing Twitter, Fishing Tourneys will be a regularly occurring event, happening on the second Saturday of April, July, October and January. Hear that, islanders? You’ve got three months to brush up your fishing skills until CJ comes back peddling his prizes once again.

The Tweet also hinted at future regular events coming up in the future, but did not provide any additional details. So far, all we know is that there is an upcoming “Earth Day” event coming at the end of the month.

While many fans responded positively and described the tournament as enjoyable, others expressed their frustration that the tourney was held during the already controversial Bunny Day event. Because the Bunny Day festivities were not put on hold for the event, players found themselves fishing up egg after egg – which, of course, earned them no points with CJ. While using the Fish Bait item can help attract fish rather than eggs, the problem remained quite persistent throughout the day.

Did you enjoy the first ever New Horizons Fishing Tourney? How many points did you score? Are you looking forward to future tournaments – and, hopefully, fewer eggs? Let us know!

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