The Denuvo DRM software is arguably one of the most heated topics in the gaming scene, and to many the anti-piracy software does more harm than good. For those gamers who are anti-Denuvo, they will be glad to know that Bethesda has stealthily removed the software from Ghostwire: Tokyo. Albeit well over two years after launch – but it’s better late than never. This is all thanks to the game’s most recent update which delivers the stealthy removal, in quite a sneaky move from Bethesda.
One of the biggest issues players have with Denuvo and many of the companies other products is its heavy impact on a game’s performance, as many players have reported frames drops of over 20fps on games that contain the software. While we have yet to hear an official statement from the seemingly silent Bethesda about the removal of the anti-piracy software; many players of Ghostwire: Tokyo (or those who have been hesitant to try the game out due to Denuvo) will be more than happy about the news of its removal.
Studios removing Denuvo from their games post-launch isn’t anything new, but what makes the case of Ghostwire: Tokyo different is that how it first launched without Denuvo. The game didn’t initially include the software but Denuvo was added to the game nearly one year after the title launched and was released alongside a wave of other content for the game in the Spider’s Thread DLC. This did unfortunately have an negative effect on the game’s popularity but things might change for the better now after its removal.
We will have to wait and see how the removal of Denuvo will affect the game, but for many, this is great news that will likely come with a nice performance boost. Will you be checking out the new Denuvo-free Ghostwire: Tokyo? Let us know in the comments below.