Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker was a game announced at E3 that stars Captain Toad from Super Mario Galaxy and who had a small but very fun part in last years Super Mario 3D World. These sections for the character were only small but thewy posed a decent enough challenge. When the game was announced I don’t know about other people but I for one didn’t really want to pay a huge price for the game, at this point in time we don’t know enough to really warrant that kind of price however paying a slightly smaller price is exactly what could sell the game and that is exactly what has happened. In a Kmart in America Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker is being priced for preorder at $40 at least $20 cheaper then most Wii U games, at this point in time I can not say whether this will be a stable price but I can only hope it does remain and go worldwide. To some degree it would possible help sales and get more people to consider purchasing the game.
Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker priced at $40 in America
