Check out this ducking cool app you can downtown for your smooth phone…
Wait, let’s try that again.
Check out this cool app you can DOWNLOAD for your SMART phone. That’s better!
From Ken Kocienda, the former Apple engineer responsible for developing the autocorrect feature which is now found on nearly every mobile device, comes a brand new iOS app which offers a chill, low-stress spelling experience. Up Spell, which is the first app Kocienda has released, is inspired by the classic board game Scrabble, with each letter being worth a different number of points. Each round provides players with a random collection of letters and challenges them to spell as many words as possible within a two minute time limit.
In an interview with TechCrunch, Kocienda explained that he was inspired to create Up Spell because he was frustrated that most spelling apps and games refused to accept place names and proper nouns. Up Spell features a more relaxed rule set regarding which words will be counted as valid – it even accepts words like “s’mores” and “y’all” which have an apostrophe in the middle!
The game is designed to provide a simple, no-frills experience. Kocienda hopes that the two-minute rounds of Up Spell will provide a break during which players do not need to think about their stressful days. He sincerely hopes that players will be able to use Up Spell to relieve the stress of daily life during such an uncertain year.
Additionally, Kocienda will be using the profits from the sale of his app to benefit a good cause. Up Spell can be purchased via the App store for $1.99, and 25 cents of each purchase will be donated to the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank.
Currently, Up Spell is only available for iOS devices. It is not yet known whether an Android version will be released in the future.