Nintendo has announced a new Dr. Mario game in their Nintendo Direct Micro. Featuring the classic style of Dr. Mario as well as Dr. Luigi and Virus Buster modes, this will the the definitive version of Dr. Mario. The game will also have a new mode called Miracle Cure Laboratory, which will have challenges with preset sequences of pills, forcing players to approach the game from a different angle. Also new in Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure is the titular Miracle Cure power up. A bar on the side of the screen can be filled by killing viruses. Once the bar is filled, a random Miracle Cure is given to the player. Miracle Cures have a variety of effects from clearing entire rows or columns or eliminating a single color of viruses. Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure releases June 11 exclusively for Nintendo 3DS, and will cost $8.99.
Dr. Mario: Miracle Cure releases June 11 for Nintendo 3DS