Just a couple of days ago I posted that Drive Club news was incoming including a release date. Well news has finally hit and I can start announcing that Drive Club will be out on October 7th in America and on October 8th in Europe.
Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida posted on the PlayStation Blog:
We planned for the game to be ready for early 2014 and are committed to delivering on our ambitious promise of creating a truly innovative, socially connected racing game.
The problem with being ambitious is you have to be prepared to accept there will be challenges along the way. What DRIVECLUB offers has not been previously achieved in this category, and, because of this, the team needed more time to give you the game you’re waiting for.
In addition to the new date, we are also very pleased to announce that as of February 2014, Paul Rustchynsky — better known as Rushy — has been at the helm of DRIVECLUB as Game Director. We appreciate the announcement has come a little late, however we wanted to inform his appointment along with the new date announcement.
Sony has also provided a new trailer which you can see below:
Are you excited for DriveClub, I hope you are and haven’t given up hope on the game as it could be really fun and the trailer looks really nice. I just want to hope the game is as good as it looks.
Source: Sony PR