GameStop holding Dragonite distribution for Pokemon 3DS games next month

The Pokemon Company has announced that they will be running a Dragonite event through Gamestop stores next month. As long as you own a copy of either Pokemon Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire or X or Y you will be able to obtain the Pokemon between the dates of June 22nd and July 12th, the only catch this has currently only been announced for the United States. However Pokemon fans who want the Pokemon and live in the US just simply have to visit Gamestop and they should be rewarded with a special code card.

Dragonite will arrive with the moves Dragon Dance, Extreme Speed, Outrage and Hurricane, it will arrive at level 55 and appears to be holding a lum berry.

Here is Gamestop’s Dragonite trailer to get you excited to get yourself an easy Dragonite:

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