Humble Offers Telltale Games Bundle to Support Type 1 Diabetes

The latest offering from Humble Bundle, titled the “Summer Adventure Games Bundle,” offers popular story-rich games for a good cause. The bundle, which features Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead and Batman series as well as The Wolf Among Us and Independent Game Festival award winners Oxenfree and Heaven’s Vault, will have a percentage of all sales donated to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to support ongoing research into Type 1 diabetes.

Dan Conners, who founded Telltale Games in 2004, is a frequent partner of JDRF and advocate for Type 1 diabetes research. He also has a 12-year-old son who is living with the autoimmune disease. Conners partnered with Humble to create this bundle because he felt that raising money for essential causes was significantly more difficult due to worldwide lockdowns and quarantines.

“Since COVID-19 has all but shut down in-person fundraising, this bundle is critical in ensuring JDRF’s important work can continue,” Conners stated in a press release. He also expressed gratitude not only to Humble but to Skybound Games, which helped develop the final The Walking Dead game after Telltale shut down in 2018, and to LCG Entertainment, which currently owns Telltale and produces games using the title.

The Summer Adventure Games bundle can be purchased for a minimum donation of $1. Additional games can be had for as low as $15 — a must-have price for over $150 worth of immersive gaming adventures.

The bundle is available to purchase until July 21, 2020. So far, over $100,000 has been raised for JDRF.

In collaboration with Telltale, JDRF will be streaming various titles via their official Twitch channel, beginning this Friday. These streams can be viewed here. The organization also plans to host a Game2Give streaming event, which is scheduled to take place August 7-August 16.

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