It’s Back – The Invisibility Glitch In Warzone 2.0

The invisibility glitch has resurfaced in Warzone 2.0, much to the chagrin of the Call of Duty fanbase. One of the first instances of the bug was pointed out by streamer SuperEv, who analysed their gameplay of the bug in action, as seen in the Twitter post below.

The streamer marks out the invisible player on the screen before being downed by gunfire. The footage raises suspicions on the stream that the glitch has found its way back into the battle royale, and it doesn’t seem like the problem will be going away anytime soon.

In a separate clip, Reddit user U/Patara, enters a building only to be shot repeatedly by an unseen assailant. Despite attempts to revive and move throughout the house, the Redditor is continually shot at until being eventually killed.

The killcam footage, from the perspective of the invisible player, all but confirms that they could not be seen by Patara during the match. At the time of writing, as this may change, Raven Software has not addressed the glitch via their online Trello board, which was recently made publicly accessible to the Call of Duty community.

There is an invisibility glitch / bug / cheat
by u/Patara in CODWarzone

In response to Patara’s post, other Reddit users are reporting similar invisibility bugs plaguing their gameplay. “It was a bug for me last night, was engaged with both people in a duo and my partner went down and was thirsted, so I backed up to a new location to reengage them, and the dude that I was just fighting was standing in the middle of the yard, but was completely invisible to me” says one Reddit user. “Second game on, came 2nd to someone invisible” another Redditor reported.

If you cast your mind back to December 2020, the original Warzone was plagued by an identical issue, a glitch that left players frustrated as reported at the time by GameLuster. At one stage, Raven Software even removed attack helicopters in search of a fix. When this new glitch will get fixed is yet to be known, but we’ll be sure to report on it.

How are you enjoying Warzone? Let us know in the comments below, and keep your eyes on GameLuster for more gaming news.

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