As we say goodbye to February we are also saying hello to March and what does March bring? Well to the gaming enthusiast it brings free games, more importantly in the case to this bit of news Microsoft’s Games with Gold. Yes, it is that time again, that moment where Microsoft has revealed what the latest games to come to the service will be, and I think Xbox One and 360 owners will be quite satisfied with the latest games. March is not a spotlight on the works of independent developers but this time the works of the major AAA developers as we have some big games coming, and without further adieu here are the games available this month through Games With Gold.
On the Xbox One side of things Microsoft has revealed that Xbox Live Gold subscribers will be getting their hands on Lords of the Fallen as well as Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishment. On the Xbox 360 for the first half of the month Microsoft will be offering Supreme Commander 2, and will replace it half way through the month with the original Borderlands. Remember that all the 360 games are backwards compatible with the Xbox One so you have four games there to get through.
This month is great for Gold members and hopefully this level of quality continues, but now it is Sony’s move but I say expect more independent games.