Nintendo Reportedly Preparing 20 Million Switch 2 Consoles To Combat Demand And Scalpers

The Nintendo Switch 2 has officially been revealed, and reportedly the company is highly aware of the demand the system has. Bloomberg has shared in a new report via analyst Robin Zhu that Nintendo has a supply chain network in place that’s set to produce 20 million Nintendo Switch 2 consoles within the first year after its release. This overwhelming scale of first-year console production is significantly higher than the original Switch at 15 million, or even Sony’s most recent PS4 and PS5 first-year supply levels at 18 million. 

Not only does Nintendo’s confidence in its system shine through with these huge supply figures, it also marks a poor omen for the resale or “scalping” market. Resale culture has never been higher, as many who tried to purchase a PS5 on release may know. Those with the means to afford them buy up a lot of one product to produce artificial scarcity, and sell those hoarded goods at a huge overcharge to profit – a process known as scalping. Scalping is currently popular in many areas of gamer culture, from consoles to Pokémon cards.

Nintendo Switch 2 console
With such huge supply prepared, hopefully we won’t need to race to get a Switch 2 close to release.

Having a huge supply network ready to meet demand means Nintendo will have many systems available to purchase at retail price both in local gaming stores and direct from the company, and thus will trim down the opportunities resellers have to try and create scarcity and take advantage of hyped customers. We’ve all been excited for the Switch 2 for a long time, and 20 million units to ship within the first year means it’s very likely we’ll all get our hands on one! 

Will you be trying to purchase a Switch 2? Do you think the 20 million systems produced for the Switch 2 will be enough, and how in demand do you think the console will be? Sound off all your speculation below, and keep your eyes on GameLuster for more breaking gaming news and Switch 2 coverage.

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