Obliteracers is a name that will mostly be known to PC gamers, this game arrived on Steam earlier this year and has been pretty well received by critics and has developed a certain fanbase. The game provided a lot of mayhem, tons of weapons, a decent selection of tracks and even offered some form of couch local multiplayer in a PC game. Obliteracers allowed you to use multiple different options for controllers, you could use a traditional controller, or even your smartphone, this lead many to believe the game would be a perfect fit for the Playstation 4 and Xbox One due to the controller options and the game is arriving for these systems very soon.
The Playstation 4 and Xbox One versions of Obliteracers will be arriving for digital marketplaces on July 15th, they will feature the ability to play with up to sixteen other people, and will even feature local multiplayer for those interested to see if you are better then your gaming companion. Obliteracers will be a racing game that will offer a greater emphasis on combat which should be interesting, hopefully this game turns out well on the Playstation 4 and Xbox One.