I have had little excitement for the Playstation Plus lineup of late, while previously I had been excited to find out what games are coming up I have found myself underwhelmed by the indie game lineups. Sure there have been a few notable exceptions such as Limbo and Entwined but many have not proved to be as promising as they looked. Now the games that will available this September have arrived early and from this lineup I still feel mostly underwhelmed.
Among the better games is the vote to play winner for September Grow Home for the Playstation 4, among other games for the system will be Super Time Force Ultra, alongside a crossbuy for Renegade Kid’s Xeodrifter with the Vita version, another crossbuy is available for the Playstation 3 and 4 with Teslagrad. Vita owners can look foward to getting the La Mulana which is only going to avalible to them, and Playstation 3 owners can look forward to playing the 2012 reboot of Twisted Metal exclusively on their platform.