Rumor: EA Will Unveil Three New Games at E3, One is a New IP

E3 is quickly approaching and with it we are bound to see a wide range of brand new games announced, particualrly if rumors that are surfacing are to be believed. Every year at E3 EA Games delivers a conference where they show off a series of new games as well as update us on previously announced games, however this year it could be a truly big and potentially memorable event. According to industry insider shinobi602, a NeoGAF regular with a history of accurate leaks, EA will be unveiling three new games at E3, and one of them is a new IP. No details have been revealed and it is likely that he or she could be mistaken but it does sound pretty exciting. All I know about this year is that we should expect an announcement on Mass Effect 4 with at least a few details and maybe a trailer. We will have to wait and see what is revealed at this event.

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