In 2014 there were many games that didn’t quite live up to the vast promises they made before release, one of the big suspects was Electronic Arts Titanfall, its not that it was a bad game there were just many ideas that felt astray. Even with the games less then satisfactory release we all know a sequel is coming.
During their press conference Electronic Arts touched on Titanfall 2, they haven’t revealed any information but they have confirmed the game will show up in their 2017 financial year numbers, or as they put it “prop up their FY17 numbers.” As the 2017 financial year numbers come about between April 2016 to March 2017 this has basically confirmed the game will arrive sometime during this time. This confirms we won’t see it until after April but it also confirms the game will arrive by March of 2017.
Electronic Arts has stated in the past that Titanfall’s exclusivity was a mistake and has said that they will likely go multiplatform with Titanfall 2.