14 Minute Gameplay Demonstration For Mafia Remake Released

Courtesy of IGN, a 14 minute gameplay demo of Mafia: Definitive Edition has been revealed. The president and chief creative officer of Hangar 13, (the studio behind the hit series) Haden Blackman, gives a detailed rundown of what to expect from the remake.

The team behind the remake includes veterans from Mafia, the original 2002 game, and Mafia 2 and 3. According to Blackman, the city of Lost Heaven has been completely rebuilt and redesigned “to provide more vistas and points of interest without losing any of the original game’s landmarks.”

Haden further explains that Mafia: Definitive Edition has employed new audio and rendering features, as well as a new lighting engine for the remake.

All major missions and narrative beats are said to remain faithful to its 2002 counterpart, but Blackman says that the studio has completely revamped the gameplay.

Plus, Blackman explains that they’ve used state of the art mo-cap and facial likeness technology to recreate all cinematic sequences, with the president citing that the narrative is crucial to the Mafia series.

Mafia: Definitive Edition will include an array of classic period vehicles, and an arsenal of prohibition-era weapons for the choosing.

Recently, Mafia: Definitive Edition’s release date was pushed back as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 2K stated that despite intending to “release the game one month earlier on August 28, finalizing everything in time for that launch date has become increasingly challenging due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, and the last thing we want to do is compromise the quality of the experience.”

In 2002, the original Mafia was released on PlayStation 2, the original Xbox, and PC. Fast-forward eight years down the line, and Mafia 2 arrived. The sequel was released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Mafia 3 arrived some six years after in 2016.

Mafia: Definitive Edition is due for release on September 25 on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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