Bandai Namco nails down Project Cars for a May 8th launch

Project Cars has gained quite an infamous status for the many delays the game has gone through, however it seems finally a release date has been nailed down with no chance for a further delay. According to a statement delivered by Bandai Namco Project Cars is set to arrive on May 8th, I should note that this is a release date for the UK, but it seems almost certain that the game will arrive in the US in the days following or even the exact same day.

As previously stated the game gained infamous status for being delayed with the game originally slated for release in November of last year. So we know now the game will launch on May 8th with the Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC versions of the game available, as we found out yesterday the Wii U version will arrive sometime later this year, however no specific release date has been provided.

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