In 2015, Star Wars: Battlefront is easily one of the most anticipated games of the year, even in one ripe with many amazing games to come. Battlefront has been a long time coming, and with many still anticipating the upcoming trailer for the game there is still a whole lot to get excited for, including a release date. Over the next few days there is a whole live stream of Star Wars news. Most of this is focused on the upcoming seventh movie installment in the Star Wars franchise, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, however according to a source from major video game retailer GameStop we can expect some big video game announcements to appear as well during the live stream. Corporate management has passed down word to stores that there will be a major Star Wars video game announcement at 2:00pm Eastern time tomorrow, April 17.
Along with this a new SKU has gone on to the GameStop system to go along with the announcement, listing a release date of November 17 2015. This could simply be an error in the system, but it does seem pretty solid for a release date, for now though I recommend taking this with a pinch of salt until the trailer for Star Wars Battlefront appears and officially confirms this.