13AM Games Double Cross was announced back in April and has since maintained some radio silence. But finally they have broken the news of the game’s release date.
Double Cross is set to arrive on the Nintendo Switch and Steam, with the developers setting a release for Jan. 10. As for what you will be doing in the game, Double Cross sees you take on the role of Zahra Sinclair, an agent of R.I.F.T. (Regulators of Interdimensional Frontiers and Technology). Her job it is to maintain peace and order between all dimensions. Zahra can collect a rare element called Upgradium, which can be used to customize her abilities. Her skills will be needed to sling, swing, and fight her way across various dimensions.
“Double Cross features a robust investigation system that challenges players to find clues throughout their interdimensional travels and uncover the identity of R.I.F.T.’s mysterious attacker,” said Alex Rushdy, CEO of 13AM Games. “It’s much more than simply finding a clue, as you’ll need to take evidence to the correct R.I.F.T. agent for examination. This gives the game visual novel elements that adds layers of depth to the game.”
Double Cross arrives on Jan. 10. The developer 13AM games previously worked on Runbow.
You can watch the trailer for Double Cross below: