For the first time, the Humble Bundle will be PlayStation centered. Humble Bundle is a storefront that offers collections of games for a price set by the user, which a portion of is donated to charity. Up to this point, the bundles have been inclusive of games for PC, Android, and the Nintendo 3DS and WiiU.
This time around, Humble Bundle is offering its very first PlayStation sale with Capcom games being highlighted. For only a dollar, you can get games like Strider and 45% off of Street Fighter V. If you exceed the average (which is sitting at $11.94 at the time this was written), you get all of the $1 games, as well as a solid collection of games like Resident Evil HD and Mega Man 9 and 10. And if you decide to pay at least $15, you get half off of the Mega Man Legacy Collection, Resident Evil 0 Remastered, and the Devil May Cry HD Collection, in addition to both of the other levels.
To check out the full list of deals, check out their site. Get some cheap games for a good cause, and show Humble Bundle that we all want more PlayStation sales!