Due to current conditions, development for KINGDOM HEARTS DARK ROAD has been delayed.
We apologize for the late update, as we were trying to find some means of making a Spring release.
Another announcement will be coming in early June, so please stay tuned.#KHDR pic.twitter.com/xW0hWWcfFF
— KINGDOM HEARTS DARK ROAD (@kh_dr_na) May 19, 2020
Initially, the title was announced for a Spring 2020 release. No updated release date was published, but the developers confirmed that they hope to release more information in early June. They also apologized for the late reveal of the delay, explaining that it was a result of attempting to release the game in Spring until the very last possible moment.
Initially titled Project Xehanort, Dark Road was pitched as a “mobile experience” connected to and existing within the franchise’s current mobile game, Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross]. While fans will be able to dive into Dark Road without having played Union, having a large number of in-game Medals in the latter will allow players to claim bonus Points when the previous releases.
Describing the story of Dark Road, developer Square Enix explained that it would explore the backstory of iconic series villain Xehanort. Players will get a more in-depth look at his past and what exactly motivated him to become the feared “Seeker of Darkness” who so fiercely opposes protagonist Sora and his fellow Keyblade wielders.
Screenshots of the game indicated that it would feature a card-based battle system. Square Enix noted that the battles will be “high speed” and that players will need to “depend on reflexes” to emerge victoriously.
While the news of Dark Road’s indefinite delay is undoubtedly upsetting, Kingdom Hearts fans should not despair. Instead, why not spend the time leading up to the new release date improving your Union medal album, so that you can hit the ground running with a strong deck when Dark Road comes out?
Currently, Kingdom Hearts Union χ[Cross] is available for iOS and Android. It is free to play and features in-game purchases. Dark Road will be available to launch from the title screen of Union, so make sure to download the game if you are interested in experiencing Xehanort’s story when it arrives.