Octopath Traveler 2 is a popular role-playing game that has captivated gamers with its engaging storyline and many side stories that add depth to the game’s world. One such side story is A Gambling Man, where you need to, well, stop a man from gambling! In this article, we will give you tips and strategies on how to complete the Gambling Man side quest. From finding the Gambling Man to completing the final challenge, our guide will help you make the most of this exciting side story in Octopath Traveler 2.
How To Complete A Gambling Man Side Story In Octopath Traveler 2
Embark on this thrilling adventure by journeying to New Delsta in the Brightlands and seeking out a Concerned Wife, who can be found in the starting area of New Delsta Backstreet. Engaging in conversation with her, you will discover that her desperate attempts to dissuade her husband from gambling have been fruitless. She pleads for your assistance to fix her spouse’s gambling addiction.
In order to aid this Concerned Wife, make your way to the New Delsta: Game Parlor and engage with the mysterious Dealer. Unabashedly, he claims his actions are legal and scoffs at your questioning. Employ Osvald’s (Scrutinize) Path Action or a similar path action (such as Castti’s Inquire, Temenos’ Coerce, or Hikari’s Bribe) to unveil key information about the sinister “Truth of the Game Parlor.” Afterward, return triumphantly to the Concerned Wife with your acquired knowledge in hand.
Witness an enthralling cutscene where both the wife and her husband uncover the deceitful nature of the duplicitous dealer. As the captivating narrative concludes, victory is yours! The quest reaches completion, and your rewards are bestowed upon you: a glorious Victory Ring and a tasty Energizing Pomegranate.
That concludes our guide on how to complete the A Gambling Man side quest in Octopath Traveler 2. We hope you find the guide helpful. If so, please consider sharing it with others. If you have questions, let us know in the comment section below!
Also, check out GameLuster’s other Octopath Traveler 2 guides to learn how to complete other side stories such as A Mysterious Box, Ghormf, and more!