Remastering big games is a big thing at the moment giving players a chance to replay some of their favourite experiences from over the years, on top of this it also gives new players their chance to experience the classic. According to a new rumour we are set to see a new remastered game from a past generation delivered by Nintendo next year, this rumour actually has quite a likeness to be true given the reporters past history if what they were right about this year. This is what the guy had to say
“It’s perfect to fill gaps in the line-up,” and “You’re gonna love it, but it’s a Remaster,” . This is apparently a source that has been correct in his predictions of other Nintendo titles in the past, NeoGAF credits him on predictions about Devil’s Third for Wii U as well as Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
Heres hoping that this person is correct and that a remastered classic is in the works to come to hopefully the Wii U or maybe the 3DS. Going through it my head is filled with possibilities and at the current moment the most likely candidate is Majora’s Mask and if not that a Wii or Gamecube game otherwise seem most likely as upping them to a HD game if much easier. Personally though I am really hoping this is true and it is a Nintendo 64 game as there a great library of games that I would really like to play again or for the first time, but mostly it is Donkey Kong 64 that I most hope for as that is one of the best games ever made.