Screenshot Saturday – January 9th

Indie game developers share their work progress every week on Twitter with the #ScreenshotSaturday hashtag. In this piece, we take a look at the most interesting and eye-catching screenshots or short videos of indie games shared on Saturday, January 9.

GameLuster has a Screenshot Saturday round-up every week. You can check out last week’s list here!


Rolling on tree branches as a small seed seems very surreal, and Seedlings make it look so good! The developer (@Seedlings_Game) shared this short video in this tweet, and showed us that the simplest ideas can make beautiful games.

Figment 2: Creed Valley

The developers of Figment 2: Creed Valley (@BedtimeDG) shared these beautiful screenshots of their game in this tweet. The art style looks stunning, the floating islands and the cartoonish clouds in the background look really fun, and it seems like we are going to experience a wonderful game very soon!

Pixels in the Wind

The game artist @HomoLudens21 shared this short scene from their work in progress in this tweet. The pixel art and the atmosphere look beautiful, and we hope to see where this project will lead to!

Left Alone Rebirth

These hauntingly beautiful scenes from Left Alone Rebirth were shared by the developer (@VolumetricGames) in this tweet. As the name and the screenshots suggest, we can expect a chilling horror game from this studio, and we can’t wait!

Full Circle

This short video from the world of Full Circle was shared by the developer (@2ndPlayerGames) in this tweet. The animations, lighting and world design look amazing, and the way the camera captures this beautiful world is fascinating. We hope to see more of this game in the coming weeks.

What indies have you got your eye on? Like the look of anything Nima found this week? Let us know in the comment section below!

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