Nintendo has started bringing in a lot of different games to respect on the Wii U which truly do go forth to provide more reason for people to own a Wii U. One of the biggest reasons to own a Wii U after 2014 was definitely Super Smash Brothers for Wii U which is by far the best entry in the franchise and offers the most amount of value gameplay wise. It also sits quite highly in the best of 2014 list of Wii U exclusive games only really competing with maybe three other games but this and Hyrule Warriors are the only Wii U games to make a nominee.
With Super Smash Brothers for Wii U we received not only a whole lot of the stuff we loved from past games but where it counts new is the biggest and best thing that was offered. With this entry we received new characters galore featuring many characters that now sit as highly as Link in my favourite characters to play as. Sure in my personal opinion I thought our third party characters, apart from Sonic we were given were rubbish, but characters like Palutena have become main characters for me to use.
Better though was the new eight player smash mode, sure some were disappointed that this mode could not go online but personally this made me happy that this mode is built for people in the same room. I personally think that eight player smash is the best mode added to this game in years, making this the best entry, and as the name entails eight player smash has you along with up to seven other players fighting it out in one stage. Often this ends up in absolute chaos with us regularly losing ourselves amongst the mess in the battlefield, but this is never a problem in fact it is fun and one of the things that really highlighted and made me fall in love with the game, it is just so much fun. It is easy to lose many hours to this mode and the game as a whole in fact I did.
The even better thing still is the usage of Amiibo’s which were introduced with this game. Amiibo’s have made the game more fun and thanks to the fact they learn and work out how to counter our own strategies. They are never dull and constantly challenge us to do better and improve our own skills.
This is just scratching the surface there is still so much in the game but this is my highlights. Super Smash Brothers for Wii U is definitely one of the best games of 2014 but will it make Game of the Year.