The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess HD has a new item according to newest footage

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess had a lot of items so what can they do with the high definition version of the game? Well, according to the new footage for the game it looks like we have an entirely new item. Since Nintendo Minute came out with the new footage people have combed the game for all the little details trying to uncover small secrets, and thanks to those searching the footage we now know about some kind of new lantern item.

This item of course is different from Twilight Princesses original lantern item and from the look of things will act as an entirely separate item or perhaps even an upgrade from the traditional lantern. Perhaps this special lantern could be used to navigate a brand new section that has yet to be revealed. However the more then likely response is something that those of us who played the original game will likely acknowledge, the lantern item looks similar to that of the which the Poe enemies carry.

Since the item was never used in the footage we have no way of properly determining how this item will impact the game as a whole, however it is possible that the item could be used to help with finding poe’s. But this is only the popular the popular theory, its likely that this item could do things we can’t even consider, the thing is we will have to wait until Nintendo provides the official word.

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