Dream Realm is a special combat challenge in AFK Journey where you can defeat powerful creatures to obtain free rewards. There are four bosses you can face, and they rotate once every day. Among them is Skyclops, which can gain physical or magic damage resistance during battle. In this guide, we’ll explain the best team compositions and characters you can use to defeat this monster.
Best Teams & Characters For Skyclops Dream Realm Boss In AFK Journey
At the start of the battle, Skyclops will mainly target the closest unit to the boss. It will also summon four minions and use a laser attack that covers the entire arena. You can bring a Tank into this fight, but they won’t contribute a lot of damage.
Here are the best characters to bring to beat Skyclops in AFK Journey:
- Tank: Thoran, Antandra
- DPS: Cecia, Mirael, Brutus
- Support: Reinier, Kruger
- Healer: Smokey & Meerky, Hewynn
Cecia and Mirael are the best DPS units that you can use to defeat Skyclops. Since you are guaranteed to get Cecia during the tutorial, you should definitely bring this hero. For Healer, Smokey & Meerky is the best option due to his ability to buff the team. If you don’t have him, you can use Hewynn instead.
If you insist on bringing a Tank, then you should pick Thoran. Antandra is a viable alternative if you don’t have Thoran on your account. For Support, you want heroes who can either buff your team or debuff Skyclops. Reinier is the best unit for this role since he can disrupt the team backline with his teleportation, and he also has a life-steal ability to sustain his allies.
If you don’t have Reinier, you can bring Kruger to this battle. Although he is usually not that great, he can apply a permanent physical defense debuff on the boss. So, it won’t matter much if he dies later on as long as he survives the first few seconds to use his ability.
Here are the possible team compositions to use to defeat Skyclops in AFK Journey:
- DPS Team: Cecia, Mirael, Brutus, Reinier, Smokey & Meerky
- Balanced Team: Thoran, Cecia, Mirael, Kruger, Smokey & Meerky
- Defensive Team: Thoran, Cecia, Reinier, Kruger, Smokey & Meerky
That’s the end of our guide on how to defeat Skyclops Dream Realm boss in AFK Journey. For more great content, you can also read our feature article on the most overrated games of 2023.