A Black Ops Cold War Bug Lets Players Control The Clouds

A newly discovered bug in Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War gives players the power to control the clouds. But not quite in the way you’d imagine. The clip was posted to the Black Ops Cold War subreddit by MrBigBeans69. 

The glitch in the sky takes place in the moments before a Search and Destroy match begins on the Moscow Map. To pass the time before the match begins, the player looks down the scope of their weapon only to notice the clouds shrinking each time they ADS. The clouds subsequently return to size after letting go of the trigger.

The prevailing theory about these weird clouds comes from the game’s field of view. Treyarch’s Josh “FoxhoundFPS” Torres chimed in on the subreddit to respond to the Redditor, confirming that the developers were investigating the issue, directing players to the Black Ops’ Trello Board about problems with in-game FOV.

I control the clouds now
by u/MrBigBeans69 in blackopscoldwar

“Players may see misaligned smoke, zombie eye glow, and uranium glows when their FOV is set higher than 80 on Xbox One and Xbox Series X.” Josh explained. Another Redditor confirmed that they had encountered the same issue in Zombies, calling it “super distracting”.

by u/FoxhoundFPS from discussion I control the clouds now
in blackopscoldwar

As bugs go, cloud control is certainly one of the more bizarre ones. Yet it’s far from problematic, unlike the recent return of the Stim Glitch in Warzone, an item with the power to revive players via injection without limit, and instantaneously. As a result, a minority of players have managed to survive within the enclosing gas cloud courtesy of the Stim. 

According to a recent report by NPD Group analyst Mat Piscatella, Black Ops Cold War became one of the best selling games in U.S history. After launching in November 2020, Treyarch and Raven’s sequel to the original 2010 title was also January’s best selling title in the U.S. 

Elsewhere the Modern Warfare reboot climbed the list from #26 to #8.

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