Most of us probably played quite a lot of video games in 2020 – with social distancing and quarantine orders in place, what else could we do? Now, Nintendo is offering a way for gamers to measure exactly how much Nintendo Switch they played this year. If you’re not too nervous to see exactly how much of your year was spent with a Switch on your hands, you can head over to the official website to check out your “Year in Review.”
Your Year in Review catalogues how many hours of games you played on your Nintendo Switch in 2020, as well as how many different games you played. It doesn’t just reveal your 2020 total, but also compares it to 2019, so you can see just how much more time you spent playing games during the year of COVID-19.
It also lists your most-played games by hour. Most players will probably find that Animal Crossing: New Horizons sits at the top of their list, although Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Paper Mario: The Origami King, and the DLC of Pokémon Sword and Shield were also popular among Switch owners this year. You can also get recommendations for games that you might enjoy based on those you played in 2020 – seems that Nintendo also wants its fans to have a game-filled New Year in 2021.
Your “Most Active Day” data highlights the day during the year when you spent the most total hours on the Switch. Once again, you can compare your 2020 data to 2019 – though, with so many popular Switch games coming out in both years, there might not be as big of a gap as you first thought.
Unfortunately, the service is currently only available in the US and Canada. Nintendo have not announced any plans to make it available to accounts in other regions.
Finally, to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Super Mario franchise, your Year in Review lists how many games you played which feature Mario as a character. 2020 was a year filled with lots of news and announcements for Mario, so fans likely played lots of his games during his big birthday year!
Did your Year in Review surprise you? What was your most-played Switch game this year? Let us know!