Persona 5 Strikers, which initially released in Japan last February under the title Persona 5 Scramble The Phantom Strikers, is finally coming to the West. According to a leaked trailer on YouTube, the game is coming to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC on February 23, 2021. The PC release will be for Steam, following ATLUS’s earlier statement that they hope to port more games to Steam following the success of Persona 4 Golden’s debut on the platform.
The original leaked trailer was quickly removed from YouTube, but news of the release date was shared on Twitter by a user named Wario64.
Persona 5 Strikers is releasing in the West on Feb 23rd for Switch/PS4/Steam
— Wario64 (@Wario64) December 4, 2020
A Western release of Strikers became evident this summer, when details concerning the release were featured in a financial report from ATLUS. However, this trailer is the first of any promotional material for the title.
Strikers is a sequel to the popular role-playing game Persona 5, set approximately six months after the events of the original game. It features protagonist Joker and his team of Phantom Thieves traveling around Japan to investigate various incidents. Unlike Persona 5, which took place almost entirely in Tokyo, Strikers features chapters set in Hokkaido, Kyoto, and a number of other locations around the country.
The game utilizes the “hack and slash” gameplay of Koei Tecmo’s Dynasty Warriors series. It marks Persona’s first crossover with the Dynasty Warriors franchise, following previous successful collaborations including Fire Emblem Warriors, Hyrule Warriors, and its recently released follow-up Age of Calamity. It merges the hack and slash style with the turn-based combat of previous Persona titles, with characters able to both wield weapons and summon their Personas in battle.
The leaked trailer indicated that pre-orders for the game would open soon, but they are not currently live. Fans theorize that Atlus may have wanted to wait to reveal the game until the Game Awards on December 10. Those interested in pre-ordering the game should keep an eye out in the coming days.
Are you ready to steal the hearts of all of Japan alongside the Phantom Thieves? Let us know!