Earlier this month, the gaming industry luminary Geoff Keighley announced the world premiere of Summer Gaming Fest. This all-digital event joins forces with IGN’s Summer of Gaming, the PC Game Show, and more to fill the rather large shoes left by E3, which was canceled due to concerns related to COVID-19. From May through August, streams and announcements will be debuting practically nonstop as the gaming world celebrates everything coming to console, PC, and more shortly.
Now, Summer Game Fest has unveiled two exciting upcoming developer showcases via their Twitter. The official dates for these events will be Monday, June 22, and Monday, July 20. Titled “Day of the Devs,” the showcases will be sponsored by Iam8bit, DoubleFine, and the Game Awards.
Save the Dates: Monday, June 22 and Monday, July 20 for two @summergamefest developer showcase events, with updates and news on a variety of projects from independent and larger publishers. pic.twitter.com/jRjYe3CBht
— Summer Game Fest (@summergamefest) May 22, 2020
Right now, SGF’s description of the two showcases has been frustratingly vague. They are described as featuring “updates and news on a variety of projects from independent and larger publishers.” The Summer Game Fest Web site provides little more than a few teasing hints, although it reinforces the fact that both AAA and indie titles will be covered during these events.
What is known is that the events will focus on currently unreleased games, rather than remakes or updates. Developers are invited to submit their upcoming games via the official Day of the Devs website.
The Day of the Devs joins several previously announced streams and digital events, which will comprise an action-packed June and July. We’ve got announcements coming from studios EA and CD Projekt Red, more news on the next generation of consoles featuring the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, Steam-, PC- and indie-focused streams, and more. It indeed will be a Summer of Gaming like never before!
What announcements would you like to see during these newly announced developer showcases? Let us know!