Climb into your gothic skirts and dive into the Bunker with Nirav, Matt and Justyn as they discuss the history, development and legacy of Nier Replicant and NieR: Automata! Rhi will be back next week. Talking points include humanitarian juggalos, warm Irish sushi and Kingdom Hearts for babies. Apologies for the audio quality, but Matt and Justyn were actually the voices of the Pods in NieR: Automata, so it’s in keeping with the theme. Spoilers are labeled in the time stamps. It’s Game Busters: NieRav Edition!
Every week, Nirav, Rhi and a panel of self-proclaimed experts explore the history and legacy of a specific game and share some laughs. Find us @Gamebusterspod on Twitter! Find Nirav on Twitter @gandheezy and Rhi on Twitter @rhi_bevan. Find us on your favorite podcatcher: