Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment brought Titanfall a multiplayer first person shooter to the Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC in 2014. This game received mixed response among the gaming public but a sequel was requested by those that liked it so Respawn could fix their mistakes.
Of course we have known about a sequel being in development for a while now, and now Electronic Arts and Respawn has made things official with a new teaser that lasts less then a minute. This teaser essentially is pointless simply telling us what we assumed that an official reveal would be coming at E3.
One actual detail that this teaser does share is that the game will be coming to not only the Xbox One and PC but also it will be coming to the Playstation 4. This falls in line with general expectations and regrets that Electronic Arts had with the original Titanfall wherein they regretted the Xbox console exclusivity.
Here is the official teaser for you to check out:
While the original Titanfall was a strictly multiplayer experience Respawn has already revealed that the sequel will have a campaign which many complained about the absence of in the original.