I don’t have to be the one to tell any Simmer, no matter how passionate about the game they are, that The Sims 4 is far from perfect. Whether it be the lack of personality or the annoying quirks that Sims simply shouldn’t be doing, there are many improvements to be made. But you may not feel like waiting for The Sims team to fix these things (if they even plan on doing so), so here are 10 quality-of-life mods that make The Sims 4 a little more bearable to play. Please note: there was a recent patch update, so please check the websites to make sure the mods have been updated if they needed to be!
Prefer Tables When Eating
Imagine this: your Sim just finished making a delicious party size of Mac and Cheese for the entire family and calls everyone to eat the fruits of their labor. Does everyone A) Grab a plate and sit at the dinner table like a normal family to enjoy a meal together, or B) Stand right next to the fridge to eat their food, ignoring the perfectly good table two feet away? If you guessed A, you’d be terribly wrong. It’s really beyond me why Sims don’t utilize the dining table like they’re supposed to, but with the Prefer Tables When Eating mod, they actually will.
Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop
That trivia question was fun, so let’s do one more. Your Sim just finished eating their delicious meal at the dining room table, and they want to go wash their dishes. Do they A) Wash their dishes at the sink in the kitchen, once again, two feet away from where they literally just ate? Or B) Take their dirty dishes up three flights of stairs just to wash them in the furthest possible bathroom sink? If you guessed B, I’m proud of you, because that’s exactly what they’ll do. But with the Don’t Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop mod, you won’t have to worry about that. You can disable dishwashing from whatever sink you want so your Sims will never climb ten mountains just to wash their dishes ever again. (RIP to the creator of this mod, Scumbumbo. Thank you for being a part of the Simmer community!)
More Columns in CAS
If you have an abundance of packs, you may know that sometimes it takes forever to scroll through every article of clothing, hairstyle, or accessory. If you download and use CC, then this can be an even more painful process. After a while, at least for me, the two-column limit stopped cutting it. With the More Columns in CAS mod, you can choose between three, four, or five columns, making scrolling a lot less annoying, and finding what you need a lot easier on the eyes.
More Visitors
Your Sim is single and ready to mingle, and what better place to do that than a fancy bar? They put on their Sunday best, fix their hair up all nice, and maybe they’ll even put on some makeup or paint their nails if they’re feeling up to the task. Then they head out to their favorite bar to get a few drinks, break it down on the dance floor, and party hard…with no one else there. For some reason, other Sims just don’t like to leave their homes, but with the More Visitors mod, you’re able to give whichever Lots you want a trait to enable more visitors and choose the age groups you’d like to start showing up. Never let your Sims sing karaoke alone again.
Shorter University Degrees
For those of you who have Discover University, I don’t know about you, but I don’t really have the time to send my Sims to university a million times before they graduate with a degree. Don’t get me wrong, it can be fun, and amazing for storytelling, but to have to do it for so long isn’t great for someone whose attention span isn’t that great (hi, I’m talking about me). That being said, welcome to the Shorter University Degrees mod, where you can choose how many credits are needed for your Sims to finish their degrees. There are options of 4, 6, 8, and 10 credit terms to choose from so you have plenty of choice in whether you still want your Sim to enjoy their University life, or if you want them in and out of there.
Have Some Personality Please!
I like playing The Sims in a way that allows my Sims to have some autonomy, but sometimes I feel like that just…doesn’t happen. And when it does happen, things get out of hand fast. Between my Sim flirting with someone they just met two hours ago, or randomly deciding that it’s cool to cheat on their wife of many years, or when an NPC chooses to stop them from reading by running across the world to come to chat with them, yeah, it’s not fun. But, the Have Some Personality Please! mod aims to fix all of that, and a little more, all while adding features to make Sims, toddlers, and pets have some personality.
One of my favorite things to do in The Sims 4 is have my Sims take cute selfies with their new friends, partners, or families. Not only do I get really nice pictures, but they’re memories that will stretch beyond generations, and free wall decor that looks pretty darn cute. But since I do this all the time, I get the same pictures over and over again. Where’s the variety? In the PairedSelfie mod, that’s where. With this mod, instead of switching between the different filters, you can switch between different types of poses, including cool, relaxed, and romantic. Now you have a lot more to choose from!
SNB Bills
Do you think the bills in The Sims 4 are boring? Me too! The SNB Bills mod adds a few things to make the bills more realistic. I know, I know. If you’re already dealing with bills in real life, why would you want to deal with them in The Sims too? I don’t know…just cause? This mod forces you to choose a payment plan for your services (including electricity, plumbing, internet, etc.) and nothing will work until you do. It also adds things like child support, alimony, and welfare. It’s not so much that it’s changing gameplay entirely, but it’s neat and definitely the most complex on our list today. If you want more money-related services to add to your game, check this mod out.
First Impressions
What do Sims think about each other when they first meet? Do they find each other annoying? Bearable? Or maybe just really cool? With the First Impressions mod, now you can find out. Thanks to the sentiments feature, this mod allows Sims to gain impression sentiments of each other, positive or negative. There are optional modules that you can add that affect how the system works, and you can choose how long the first impressions last. Are your neighbors going to hate each other when they first meet? Let’s see!
Talents & Weaknesses
I might be the laziest person I know, and as a lazy person, I surely don’t do the best in the fitness department. And I wonder, why are my lazy Sims able to get fit in one day? Why are my evil Sims so good at making lifelong friends? And why do my creative Sims take so long to level up their painting skill? With the Talents & Weaknesses mods, you won’t have to ask those questions anymore. This mod makes it so that Sims have certain skills they excel in, and certain skills they aren’t as good with, which makes for great storytelling opportunities.
Well, there you have it: 10 Quality-of-Life mods for The Sims 4. These are perfect if you don’t want to change your game too much, but still need to feel something new with The Sims. I hope one of these mods happens to fix an annoyance you had or didn’t realize you had during your gameplay! Is there anything else Sims-related you want to see? Let me know!
Great mods totally given it a try
I hope you enjoy them!!