Earlier this month, we reported that with the cancellation of E3 due to COVID-19-related concerns, the announcements of the next generation of consoles, the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, would likely no longer occur during “E3 Week” (June 9-11). Now, rumors seem to point to information being released on either June 2 or June 4, both earlier than the now-canceled E3.
The date of June 4 was mentioned by Jeffrey Grubb, a reporter for GamesBeat, in a post made in the PlayStation 5 section of the ResetERA forums. Previously, Grubb has reliably shared the dates of reveals such as Nintendo Direct videos before their official announcement. If the reporter’s words are correct, the console reveal will be a significant, carefully planned event on the 4th – but some launch titles may be announced before this date.
However, another rumor points to date two days earlier, instead. The June edition of the Official PlayStation Magazine, which recently hit shelves, teased that information regarding the PlayStation 5 was coming in the very next issue. The July printing of the magazine will be released physically on June 2, although digital versions might become available slightly earlier.
This rumor was further strengthened by a post from known industry-insider Tidux on Twitter, who shared a screenshot of the OPM announcement on April 27. Since then, Tidux has made multiple other PlayStation-related tweets, all pointing to the June 2 date.
— Tidux (@Tidux) April 27, 2020
A June date makes a lot of sense. Sony’s previous major console, the PlayStation 4, was also announced during June.
Right now, the only thing we know for sure is, well, that nothing is assured. In these uncertain times, with the COVID-19 situation changing every day, it’s impossible to know what tomorrow will bring. Game and console developers must be more flexible than ever before. These dates may vary as a result of factors outside of Sony’s control.
Regardless of when the news drops, we’ll make sure to cover it all and share the most up to date information with you right here on GameLuster!