Screenshot Saturday – January 29th

Indie game developers share their work progress every week on Twitter with the #ScreenshotSaturday hashtag. In this piece, we take a look at the most interesting and eye-catching screenshots or short videos of indie games shared on Saturday, January 29th.

Game Luster has a Screenshot Saturday round-up every week. You can check out the previous list here.

Geno Kids

This video from Geno Kids was shared by the developer (@nukefist) in this tweet. The visual effects, the combo moves, and the fast-paced combat look really exciting, and the premise of the game which is a group of band members fighting against an alien invasion seems fun. You can wishlist the game on Steam which is set to release, “Before alien invasion”.

The Hunter of Falkenberg

The Hunter of Falkenberg

This promo art for The Hunter of Falkenberg was shared by the developer (@sleipnirdream) in this tweet. The game is a retro 16 bit RPG, inspired by games such as The Witcher and Secret of Mana,  and in addition to the nice-looking promo art, there are a lot of screenshots and a trailer on their Steam page, where you can wishlist the game.

Dust Chamber

We rarely get to see first-person shooters in our Screenshot Saturday round-ups, let alone ones that look as good as Dust Chamber shared by the game’s Twitter page (@DustChamberGame) in this tweet. The dark steam-punk-ish gun and atmosphere, balloon insects exploding in a golden mist, and the overall lighting and visual designs look amazing, and we can’t wait to see more of it.


These adorable screenshots from Spy-O-Ramas were shared by the developer, Nick Carver (@NickDCarver) in this tweet. The slight curvature of the pink buildings, cartoonish character design, and funny posters and objects spread among these gorgeous scenes are just a few of the elements that make this game unique, and we can’t wait to see what the future looks like for Spy-O-Ramas.

The Soulkeeper

Not many indie games offer professional voice acting, but this week we got to see a snippet of the great performances we can expect from Soul Keeper.  This video was shared by the game’s Twitter page (@SoulKeeperGame) in this tweet,  and we got to see the amazing character design, impressive animations, and high-quality voice acting of the game, We look forward to learn more about Soul Keeper in the coming weeks.

What indies have you got your eye on? Do you like the look of anything Nima found this week? Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

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