The reveal trailer for The Expanse: A Telltale Series was dropped at Gamescom 2022. The title marks a return for Telltale who are teaming up with Deck Nine, known for developing the Life Is Strange franchise. The Expanse: A Telltale Series takes place within The Expanse universe, based on the novels by James S. A. Corey, which have also been adapted into the hit sci-fi TV series of the same name.
The trailer offers a glimpse “into Telltale’s signature choice-based gameplay, as well as a deeper look into the game’s exploration.” Compared to previous Telltale titles, the design style has a touch more realism to it, more in line with Life Is Strange than the classic ‘drawn’ aesthetic of Telltale. This aesthetic choice may work in favour of the presumably fast-paced sci-fi setting of The Expanse. Zero gravity environments appear to be a feature the developers are excited about, and is briefly shown in the reveal.
The trailer also briefly features Telltale’s recognisable choice system, as well as quicktime events where you have to act quickly to complete an action, such as dodging or grabbing onto something.
As part of the trailer, there are some behind-the-scenes discussions. Stephan Frost, Game Director from Deck Nine explains “when we’re making the game, not only are we thinking about the characters, we also have to think about how can we evolve the genre in any way that will make players excited to be a part of this universe.” Frost wants players to “feel like they’re engaging in something rather than just being a passive audience member.”
Zak Garriss, V.P. Story Development from Telltale, adds that “We’re really excited about how it feels to play and experience the story in the game.”
If you were hoping for a release anytime soon, unfortunately, you’ll have to hang on a little while: the trailer’s description says that The Expanse: A Telltale Series is expected to be released in the summer of 2023.
For more on The Expanse and all things Telltale, stay tuned right here at GameLuster.