Maiko Oohashi represents the Hanged Arcana in Persona 3 Reload. She usually hangs out on the playground near Naganaki Shrine every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. If you plan to befriend this lonely girl, you can check out our guide to find out the best dialogue choices that you can pick.
All Maiko Oohashi (Hanged) Social Link Dialogue Choices In Persona 3 Reload
The Hanged Social Link becomes available on May 6. However, you must first give Maiko Mad Bull from Iwatodai Station’s vending machine and Weird Takoyaki from a shop at Iwatodai Strip Mall. After the girl has her lunch, you can start playing with her on the playground.
Be warned that Maiko will go missing on October 21. She will get stuck on Tartarus Floor 146, and you must rescue her before the next full moon. In return, the girl will give you a Felt Doll, an accessory that can restore a tiny bit of SP after each turn.
Rank 2
Maiko: My tummy’s grumbling! Can we go to Wilduck?
- Sure, let’s go. (+2)
- Let’s keep playing.
Maiko: But why would they get a divorce?
- They fell out of love.
- It’s probably your fault.
- I don’t know.
Protagonist: Maiko is sobbing loudly.
- Calm her down.
- Wait for her to finish.
Rank 3
Akinari: …And you are?
- I’m Maiko’s friend.
- Just a random passerby.
Maiko: Do you think he’ll come home and see me?
- He’ll probably forget.
- I really can’t say.
- Don’t worry, he’ll be there. (+2)
Rank 4
Maiko: They really do care about me!
- That’s great news! (+2)
- Of course, they care. (+2)
- Nah, they don’t care.
Rank 5
Maiko: He’s so mean it’s not fair!
- That’s awful. (+2)
- Why would he do that?
Maiko: Do they just wish I would disappear?
- It’s possible.
- They would never (+1)
Rank 6
Maiko: I made up my mind! I have to run away from home!
- Don’t do it.
- Calm down. (+1)
- It’s up to you.
Maiko: I’ll need lots of snacks, right? And my…insurance card?
- That should be enough. (+2)
- It’ll take more than that.
Rank 7
Maiko’s Mother: She’s never done anything like this before!
- We should look for her.
- It’s probably your fault.
- Just leave her alone.
Maiko’s Father: If you have any idea where she is, I’m begging you to tell us.
- Maybe the music store.
- Maybe the takoyaki stand.
Rank 8
Maiko: What do you wanna get?
- Hamburgers. (+1)
- Japanese food.
Maiko: It was sad, but I listened to the whole thing. Did I do good?
- You’re a good girl. (+2)
- Not really.
Maiko: Who do you think I should pick?
- Your dad. (+2)
- Your mom.
- You decide.
Rank 9
Maiko: Even if I’m gone… we’ll still be friends, right?
- Friends forever. (+2)
- I might forget about you.
Rank 10
Maiko: Do you think I’ll have a family of my own one day?
- I’m sure you will. (+2)
- No idea.
Maiko: Can we get married?
- Sure. (+2)
- I’ll think about it.
That’s the end of our guide on how to increase Maiko (Hanged) Social Link Rank. GameLuster has more P3R content you may want to read before leaving the website, such as how to beat Hierophant and Lovers bosses.