In Resident Evil 4 Remake, the government agent Leon S. Kennedy finds himself trapped in a hostile Spanish village filled with mutated townspeople who want to kill him. Only a handful of individuals are not outwardly aggressive toward the protagonist, and among them is the mysterious Merchant.
You will encounter him for the first time in Chapter 2 after Mendez knocks Leon out while conversing with Luis. Although the Merchant will not help you in combat, he will sell various objects that can be extremely helpful for your mission. Most of his wares can be purchased using Pesetas, but a select few can only be traded using Spinels. If you want to know which items you should buy using this rare currency, this guide can give you some great recommendations on how to spend this extra-valuable currency in Resident Evil 4 Remake.
Resident Evil 4 Remake Spinels Guide
The only way to obtain Spinels in Resident Evil 4 Remake is by completing numerous Merchant Requests that you can trigger by picking up blue notes scattered in many areas. Once you’ve completed each task, you can talk to the Merchant, who will give you several Spinels for your hard work.
Unlike Pesetas, which you can get from killing numerous enemies, Spinels are much more scarce, so you really want to be wise with your decision about how to spend them. Here are some items that can provide the most value to you:
Treasure Maps
The primary way to acquire a ton of money is by selling various jewelry you discover during your exploration. While Resident Evil 4 Remake‘s map is not as expansive as some open-world games, it is still quite large, and you may often miss chests and hanging lanterns that contain valuable treasures.
To prevent this from happening, you can purchase the Treasure Map of your current area from the Merchant. It will highlight all chests you have not yet unlocked on your map and even tell you what kind of treasure or puzzle you will find!
Weapons And Attachments
You can also spend your Spinels to buy special weapons and their attachments from the Merchant. You won’t be able to get these items from exploration or purchase them using Pesetas, so they’re really good investments if you’re interested in using them.
For example, you can get the Laser Sight which you can attach to three handguns: SG-09 R, Sentinel Nine, and Punisher. Fans of the original title should be familiar with this weapon attachment, since it allows Leon’s firearm to project the familiar red dot. If you want to unlock this feature in Resident Evil 4 Remake, then you should consider purchasing the Laser Sight!
Yellow Herb
The Yellow Herb is an essential crafting material used to create a special concoction that can increase Leon’s max health. They are very rare, and you can only find a few of them during your playthrough. Since the price is quite low and having extra HP never hurts, you should consider claiming this item to increase your chance of survival.
Exclusive Upgrade Tickets
Exclusive Upgrade Tickets are the most expensive items in the Merchant’s inventory, and for a good reason. They allow you to bypass the requirement of fully upgrading your weapon to unlock the Exclusive Upgrade.
Although it is better to use the regular method in most cases, obtaining the Exclusive Upgrades of bonus weapons can be a game-changer. If you don’t know, bonus weapons are firearms that you can get by completing difficult challenges, and there are three items in this category: Chicago Sweeper, Handcannon, and Primal Knife.
Each weapon has a ridiculous Exclusive Upgrade that can make playing in Hardcore and Professional difficulty a lot more bearable. For example, Chicago Sweeper’s Exclusive Upgrade gives it unlimited ammo, which is extremely useful in higher difficulties, where ammunition can be very scarce.
That is everything you need to know about what to spend your Spinels on in Resident Evil 4 Remake. If you need more help or have questions about Spinels or anything else in the game the game, be sure to leave your comments below!
GameLuster also has other Resident Evil 4 Remake guides you should consider checking out. For example, we have some great tips for the Mercenaries Mode, and we can also give you some pointers on how to beat Osmund Saddler, the final boss of Resident Evil 4 Remake.